Psychoanalysis, Judaism and Modernity - Freud Museum
Feb 07, 2013 comments disabled
A one day conference was held on July 3rd at the Freud Museum in London on the broad subject of Psychoanalysis, Judaism and Modernity. The event was promoted as a day of talks and discussion exploring the links between these three great cultural phenomena, and the lessons that can be learned for the 'post-modern' age of today. The following contributions were made:
Stephen Frosh
Psychosocial textuality: Religious identities and textual constructions (abstract)
Jay Geller
A State within a State": Freud's Disavowal of Antisemitism (abstract)
Vic Seidler
Embodying psychoanalysis: Masculinities, Judaism and the crisis of modernity (abstract)
Judit Szekacs and Tom Keve
Golem et al (abstract)
Devorah Baum
Psychoanalysis, Judaism, and the broken promise of modernity (abstract)